Hong Kong Chamber Music Society

proudly presents

"Happy Birthday, Amadeus!"

Mozart's 250th Birthday Celebration
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Description:  An evening of music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
and his contemporaries,  followed by a veritable feast of Austrian cuisine. (Click here for programme details)

Date:  Wednesday 18th January, 2006
19:00 Drinks
19:30 Concert
21:00 Dinner  (Click here for menu)

Venue:  The Pacific Club, Kowloon (Click here for location map)

Musical performances by:
Izaskun ERDOCIA, flute
Wolfgang NUESSLEIN, cello
Mary WU, piano
Song Lam YIU, oboe
(Click here for artists' biographies)

Admission: Concert, dinner & wine $470*
Concert only $250 /  Full-time students $100
Prepayment scheme members / dinner only $220
*Non-members are very welcome !  Special offer now available. (See below).

Special Offer for Mozart's Birthday:
If you pay your annual membership fees before 27th January 2006,
you can enjoy this concert for just $200 instead of the usual $250.

To reserve your place(s) please telephone
Mrs. Yvonne Carr, Concert Assistant,
at 2719 4749  or  9105 1467
Email: chambermus@yahoo.com

Cheques should be made payable to "The Hong Kong Chamber Music Society Ltd."
and mailed to:
The Honorary Secretary
Hong Kong Chamber Music Society
GPO Box 5987, Hong Kong

Cash and cheques will also be accepted at the door, on 18th January 2006.