Event Details
Venue: Central (contact us for details or directions)
Dress Code: No jeans or sports shoes
Reception at 6:45 Performance at 7:20
Dinner at 9:00
$300 for concert only (HKCMS members & HKPO players)
$600 for concert with dinner (HKCMS members & HKPO players)
$380 for concert only (non-members)
$680 for concert with dinner (non-members)
$180 for concert only (full time students)
$480 for concert with dinner (full time students)
Dinner menu:
Tomato, Buffalo Mozzarella & Basil Salad, Balsamico Olive Oil Dressing
Roast Corn-fed Chicken Supreme, Wild Mushrooms, Tarragon Sauce
Rissolées Potatoes
Seasonal Vegetables
Panna-cotta with Kirsch, Fresh Raspberries
Coffee or Tea
Enquiries and bookings: chambermus@yahoo.com
Payment: Write a cheque payable to "Hong Kong Chamber Music Society Ltd."
Please bring your chequebook to the concert.
Discounted admission fees apply to all who join the Society
or renew an existing membership subscription on the night of the concert.